Hot Wheels '10 Pro Stock Camaro  (HW191)

NOTE: numbering

2010: 038

a: Orange, black base and interior, clear windows, brown, white and yellow stripes and flames with “JI Racing” on sides, “Imai” on hood, pr5bk/ch-rim

2010: 038

b: Metalflake green, as a, gray interior, yellow windows, black, silver and white design, pr5bk/yw-rim

2011: 121

c: Metalflake red, black M base, yellow interior, tinted windows, yellow, black and white stripes on hood and sides, “Manson Drag Team” and decals on sides, sp5gd rear / dwgd front (HW Drag Racers)

2011: 121

d: Metalflake blue, as c, gray M base, orange int., orange replaces yellow in design, sp5 rear / dw front (HW Drag Racers)


e: White, black T base, red interior, red windows, yellow, black and red splattered design w/ Hot Wheels logo on hood and sides, red oh3rd (Team Hot Wheels)


e2: White, as e, green oh3rd, T base (Team Hot Wheels)


f: Pearl white, met red T base, black interior, blue windows, met blue, red, and black flames, Hot Wheels logo and decals on sides, os5bk/rd-rim (Race Rods 5-pack)


f2: Pearl white, as f, sp5bk/rd-rim, T base (Race Rods 5-pack)


g: Gold, metal T base, brown interior, orange windows, brown stripes on hood and roof, Wile E. Coyote and Road Runner characters on sides, “Looney Tunes” on hood and sides, dd5rr (Pop Culture Looney Tunes)

2014: 001

h: Black, gold T base, red interior, clear windows, gold, red, and white stripes on hood, roof, and sides, “Happy Holidays” and decals on sides, sp5rd (Holiday Hot Rods - Walmart)

2016: 064

i: Metalflake purple, yellow M base, white interior, clear windows, red, white and yellow stripes on hood and roof, flames and Hot Wheels logo on sides, mc5bk/yw-rim (HW Mild to Wild)

2016: 064

j: Spec purple, as i, added “TH” on sides mc5bk/yw-rim, Mal. HW Mild to Wild #64 Target spring edition card TH 15 – 30

j2: Spec purple, as i, added “TH” on sides rr5spbk/yw-rim, Mal. HW Mild to Wild #64STH 15 – 30

j3: Spec purple, as j2, with half roll cage, rr5spbk/yw-rim, Mal. HW Mild to Wild #64STH 15 – 30

j4: spec purple, as j2, with full roll cage, rr5spbk/yw-rim, Mal. HW Mild to Wild #64STH 30 – 60

2017: 007

k: Red, silver T base, black interior, tinted windows, black and white stripes on top and sides, sp5gd (Camaro Fifty)

2017: 001

L: White, black T base, blue interior, blue window, red, yellow, and blue stripes on hood, roof, and sides, Hot Wheels logo and “1” on sides, “1” on hood, pr5bk/bu-rim (HW Racing Circuit - Walmart Exclusive)

2018: 105

m: Yellow, black M base, and interior, clear windows, black and white Moon Eyes race design on hood and sides, sp5 (HW Speed Graphics)

2018: 202

n: Flat black. gray M base, silver interior, yellow windows, yellow, black and white Moon Eyes race design on hood and sides, sp5 (HW Speed Graphics)

2018: 345

o: Gray, black M base and interior, clear windows, yellow, black and white Moon Eyes race design on hood and sides, sp5yw (HW Speed Graphics)

2020: 250

p: Blue, black M base and interior, blue windows, black, red, yellow and white stripe and Hot Wheels logo on hood and sides, sp5bk (HW Race Team)

2021: 149

q: Yellow, blue M base and interior, tinted windows, red, blue, black and white Pictionary race design, sp5or (Mattel Games)

2021: 149

r: Metalflake light green, as q, sp5yw, M base (Mattel Games)


M base (Winter Series)

Hot Wheels Page


External Link:

        HW Collectors Newsletter '10 Pro Stock Camaro

        South Texas Diecast HW Guide '10 Pro Stock Camaro