Hot Wheels '13/'14 COPO Camaro (HW186)

NOTE: numbering


a: White, mc5bk/ch-rim rear / dwbk/ch-rim front. (HW Workshop – Then and Now)


a2: White, as a, pr5bk/ch-rim rear / dwbk/ch-rim front (HW Workshop – Then and Now) $7 – 15


a3: White, as a, no side stripes, mc5bk/ch-rim rear / dwbk/ch-rim front (HW Workshop – Then and Now) $2 – 5


b: Zamac, mc5bk/ch-rim rear / dwbk/ch-rim front (HW Workshop – Then and Now) (Walmart Exclusive)


c: Red, mc5bk/ch-rim rear / dwbk/ch-rim front (HW Workshop – Then and Now)

2015: 127

d: Metalflake blue, black M base, gray interior, clear windows, orange, black, and yellow stripes on hood roof, trunk and sides, Hot Wheels logo on sides, sp5or (HW Race Team)

2015: 127

e: Zamac, as d, blue interior, blue windows, orange, light blue, and yellow design, sp5or, Mal. (HW Race Team) (Walmart Exclusive)

2015: 127

e2: Zamac, dark blue in design sp5or, Mal (HW Race Team) (Walmart Exclusive)

2016: 179

f: Orange, black M base, and interior, clear windows, black and white stripes on hood and sides “Fram” on sides, sp5gy, (HW Speed Graphics)

2016: 179

g: Black, silver M base, and interior, tinted windows, orange and white deign as f, sp5or (HW Speed Graphics)

2017: 008

h: Yellow, black T base, and interior, tinted windows, black stripes on hood, roof, and sides, sp5bk (Camaro Fifty)

2017: 012

i: Metalflake green. silver M base, black interior, clear windows, white stripes on sides, sp5 (Mystery Models)


j: Pearl white, black M base and interior, tinted windows, black and blue stripes on top and sides, sp5 (Multi-pack only)

2018: 001

k: White, black M base and interior, tinted windows, silver, red, and black stripes and “1” on hood, roof, and sides, sp5gy (Mystery Models)


L: Gulf blue, metal T base, black interior, tinted windows, orange, black and white Gulf Race design, stripes, on top “13” and decals on hood and sides, prrgyt (Car Culture 5-car set Cars & Donuts)


m: Blue, black M base and interior, tinted windows, yellow orange and black stripes on hood and sides, sp5 (Flying Customs Target Exclusive)


n: Metalflake yellow, black Indo base, gray interior, tinted windows, black & red stripes on sides, mc5/rd-rim (Car Meet 5 Pack)

2024: 002

(Stars & Stripes Series)

Hot Wheels Page


External Link:

        HW Collectors Newsletter '14 COPO Camaro

        South Texas Diecast HW Guide '14 COPO Camaro / '13 COPO Camaro