Hot Wheels '15 Dodge Charger SRT

NOTE: numbering


h: Spectraflame blue, clear M base, black interior, red windows, black/ white/ silver/ flat blue design on top, "Pursuit 911" on sides, "54209" on roof, id5j5/rd-rim (Hot Wheels id)


i: Yellow, black M base, black interior, red windows, black & red stripes and “Rescue 7” on hood and sides, j5/rd-rim (HW Rescue)

2021: 7

j: Spectraflame yellow, tinted M base, black interior, red windows, black & red stripes and “Rescue” on hood and sides, j5/rd-rim (HWID)

2022: 206

L: Flat blue, black M base, gray interior, orange windows, orange and silver stripes and "EMS" on hood and sides, pr5wh (HW Rescue)

2024: 007

n: Red, black M base, black interior, yellow windows, black/ white/ yellow designs with "2" and "HW Airlines" on hood and sides, sp5gy (HW First Response)

2024: 007

Hot Wheels Page


External Link:

        HW Collectors Newsletter '15 Dodge Charger SRT