Hot Wheels '16 Camaro SS (HW188)

NOTE: numbering

2016: 129

a: Metalflake blue, black base and interior, clear windows, white stripes on top and sides, mc5bk/rd-rim (Muscle Mania)

2016: 129

b: Red, as a, tinted windows, mc5bk/rd-rim (Muscle Mania)


c: Yellow, black M base and interior, tinted windows, black, white, red, and light blue race design, “AE” and decals on hood, “Castrol Edge” on roof, Hot Wheels logo on sides, mc5bk/ch-rim (Matt Mingay Special Edition Australia Exclusive)

2017: 155

d: Metalflake silver, black M base and interior, tinted windows, black and red stripes on hood and sides, mc5bk/rd-rim (Camaro Fifty)

2017: 265

e: White, as d, black and blue stripes on hood and sides, mc5bk/bu-rim, Mal. (Camaro Fifty)

2018: 009

f: Metalflake light green, black M base, black interior, tinted windows, black and yellow stripes on hood and sides, mc5bk/yw-rim (Walmart Exclusive)

2018: 082

g: Flat black, silver M base, black interior, clear windows, red, white, yellow and gray stripes on top, design, “78” and “Borla” on sides, pr5gy (Speed Graphics)

2018: 082

h: White, as g, black M base, black and red design, pr5gy, (Speed Graphics Kmart Exclusive)

2021: 005

i: Metalflake purple, black M base and interior, orange windows, blue, orange and yellow All Souls’ Day – Day of the Dead design on sides, sklor (Dia De Los Muertos)


i2: Same as i, Indo base (Dia De Los Muertos)

Hot Wheels Page


External Link:

        HW Collectors Newsletter '16 Camaro SS

        South Texas Diecast HW Guide '16 Camaro SS