Hot Wheels 2011 Custom Camaro  (HW192)

NOTE: numbering

2011: 005

a: Red, dark gray base and interior, clear windows, black wing, black, metallic blue and white stripes on top and sides, “6” and race decals on sides, pr5bk/yw-rim. (New Models)

2011: 005

b: Metalflake gray, as a, orange and red replace metallic blue in design, pr5bk/yw-rim (New Models)

2011: 005

c: Blue, as a, black interior, blue windows, silver replaces metallic blue on stripes, pr5bk/wh-rim (New Models)

2011: 01

d: Yellow, dark gray M base, interior, and wing, blue windows, metallic blue and silver stripes on top and sides, “6” and race decals on sides, pr5bk/wh-rim (Mystery Models)

2012: 226

e: Metalflake white, gold chrome M base, gold interior and wing, purple windows, gold, purple, and black stripes on hood and sides, pr5bk/pu-rim (HW CODE Cars)

2012: 006

f: Metalflake green, as d, M base, black wing, orange and white design, pr5bk/or-rim (Kroger’s Super Speeders foil pack)


h: Metalflake light gold, black M base, interior, and wing, clear windows, black and green stripes on hood and sides, pr5bk/gd-rim (Decide Your Ride 5 Pack)

2013: 003

g: Metalflake red, black M base and wing, gray interior, yellow windows, metallic blue hood and roof, yellow stripe and Superman logo on hood, metallic blue and yellow stripes and “The Man of Steel” on sides, pr5bk/yw-rim (Superman Series)


i: Candy purple, white T base, yellow interior and wing, clear windows, yellow and white stripes and “Hot Wheels” on sides, pr5bk/yw-rim rear / pr5bk/wh-rim rear front (Track Builder 5 Pack)


i2: Candy purple, as i, pr5bk/gd-rim rear / pr5bk/wh-rim rear front (Track Builder 5 Pack)


j: Metalflake burnt orange, black T base, blue interior, white, blue, red, and yellow, stripes on top and sides, “Happy Father’s Day” “21” on hood and sides, pr5bk/bu-rim (Happy Father’s Day #2 Kmart Exclusive)


k: Silver, black M base, black int., tinted windows, black and red stripes on hood and sides, mc5bk/rd-rim (Camaro #7 Walmart Exclusive)

2020: 239

L: Red, black M base, white interior, yellow windows, white, yellow and black stripes on hood and sides, “Fire” on sides, mc5/wh-rim (HW Rescue)

2020: 239

Same as L, pr5blk/wh-rim

2023: 36

m. Candy blue, gray M base, gray interior, blue windows, blue & white designs and "I" on top & sides, white pr5bu (HW Art Cars)

2023: 36

n. White, blue M base, black interior, blue windows, blue & metallic bllue designs and "I" on top & sides, blue pr5 (HW Art Cars)

Hot Wheels Page


External Link:

        HW Collectors Newsletter Custom '11 Camaro