Hot Wheels 2013 Chevy Camaro Special Edition (HW182)

NOTE: numbering

2013: 194

a: Metalflake blue, black base, black interior, tinted windows, flat black stripes on hood, roof, and trunk, mc5bk/rd-rim, Hot Wheels Special Edition (HW Showroom - HW Garage)

2013: 194

a2: Metalflake blue, as a, gray base (Kroger Exclusive)


b: Spectraflame blue, as a, extra details, "SEMA12" license plate, mc5bk/rd-rim (SEMA Show in plexicube)

Plexicube text: "2013 Hot Wheels Chevy Camaro Special Edition"

2013: (nl)

b2?: Spectraflame blue, as a, extra details, "HW2013" license plate, mc5bk/rd-rim (Canadian International Auto Show in plexicube)

Plexicube text: "2013 Hot Wheels Chevy Camaro"


Blue color and black stripe comparison


License plate comparison

2013: 194

c: Metalflake light green, as a, mc5bk/rd-rim (HW Showroom - HW Garage)

2014: 202

d: Metalflake red, black M base, black interior, tinted windows, black & white stripes on top, fan5

2014: 202

e: Spectraflame red, as d, added sesign on sides, rr5spbkrl (Super Treasure Hunt)

2014: 202

f: Zamac, as d, dark gray interior, black & red stripes on top, mc5bk/rd-rim (Walmart Exclusive)

2015: 232

g: Metalflake yellow orange, black M base, black interior, tinted windows, red & white stripes on hood & sides, fan5 (HW Workshop - Muscle Mania)

2015: 232

h: Metalflake purple, as g, dark gray interior, metallic green & gold stripes on hood & sides, fan5gd (HW Workshop - HW Muscle Mania)

2017: 006

i: White, black T base, black interior, tinted windows, black & gold stripes on hood & sides, os5bk/gd-rim (Camaro Fifty)

2017: 180

j: Black, silver M base, silver interior, tinted windows, gold stripes on top & sides, pr5gd (Camaro Fifty)

2017: 246

k: Orange, black M base, black interior, tinted windows, yellow stripes on top & sides, pr5bk/yw-rim (Camaro Fifty)

2020: 143

L: Metalflake green, black M base, black interior, tinted windows, black & white stripes on top & sides, fan5gn (Dream Garage - Treasure Hunt)


m: Metalflake blue, black Indo base, black interior, tinted windows, black stripes on top, pr5/rd-rim (HW Legends 5 Pack)


m2: Same as m, HW logo on rear window, M base (HW Legends 6 Pack)

Hot Wheels Page


External Link:

        HW Collectors Newsletter 2013 Chevy Camaro

        South Texas Diecast HW Guide 2013 Chevy Camaro

        2013 Chevy Hot Wheels Special Edition blistercard variations (coming soon)