Hot Wheels 2017 Camaro ZL1 (HW189)

NOTE: numbering

2017: 220

a: Red, black M base and interior, tinted windows, black stripes on top, pr5gy (Camaro Fifty)

2017: 360

b: Metalflake blue, as a, pr5gy (Camaro Fifty)

2018: 188

c: Metalflake light green, black M base and interior, tinted windows, black stripe on sides, mc5bk/ch-rim (Muscle Mania)


d: Spectraflame green, as c, black stripe on hood, rr5spbk/ch-rim, Mal (Muscle Mania Treasure Hunt)

2018: 312

e: Black, dark gray M base and interior, tinted windows, yellow stripe on sides, mc5bk/yw-rim (Muscle Mania)

2021: 154

f: Orange, black M base and interior, tinted windows, white stripes on top and sides, black “17” on sides, pr5bk (Then and Now)

2021: 154

g: Blue, black M base and interior, tinted windows, white stripes on top and sides, black “17” on sides, pr5/wh-rim (Then and Now)

2022: 3

h: Light green, blue M base, black interior, purple windows, blue/ purple/ white stripes with "22" on sides, mc5/yl-rim (Spring Collection)

2023: 135

i. Yellow, black M base, black interior, tinted windows, black stripes on spoiler & sides, black hood scoop with silver stripes, mc5/ch-rim (Muscle Mania)

2023: 135

j: Blue-gray, black M base, black interior, tinted windows, black stripes on spoiler & sides, black hood scoop with silver stripes, sp5/wh-rim (Muscle Mania Kroger Exclusive)


(HW Drift 5 Pack)

Hot Wheels Page


External Link:

        HW Collectors Newsletter 2017 Camaro ZL1

        South Texas Diecast HW Guide 2017 Camaro ZL1