Hot Wheels Camaro Convertible Concept (HW184)

NOTE: numbering

2008: 037

a: Metalflake burnt orange, black base and interior, tinted windshield black stripes on hood and trunk, with silver emblem on grille, details, os5

2008: 037

a2: Metalflake burnt orange, as a, no emblem on grille

2008: 037

b: Metalflake blue, as a, white stripes, os5

2008: 037

c: Metalflake white, as a, orange stripes, os5

2009: 122

d: Metalflake red, black M base and interior, tinted windshield, yellow and orange flames on hood and sides, os5 (Heat Fleet)

2010: 101

e: Dark green, black M base and interior, tinted windshield, white stripes on sides and hood, “Camaro” on sides, os5 (HW Performance)

2010: 101

f: Silver, as e, blue replaces white in design, os5, Mal. (HW Performance)


g: Red, black M base and interior, clear windshield, details, mc5 (LA Auto Show 1/1)


h: Metalflake burnt orange, as g, mc5, Mal (Auto Show Edition)

2011: 149

i: Gray, black M base and interior, tinted windshield, red stripes on sides, trunk, and hood, “Camaro” on sides (Faster Than Ever)

2011: 149

j: Metalflake purple, as i, pink stripes, Mal (Faster Than Ever)

2012: 149

j2: Metalflake purple, as j, os5, Mal. (Faster Than Ever)

– in Target exclusive Team Racing BP

2012: 009

k: Metalflake red, as i, white stripes, os5, Mal (Mystery Models)


L: Metalflake blue, as i, light blue stripes, os5, Mal. (Multi-pack)


L2: Metalflake blue, as l, pr5, Mal (Multi-pack)

2013: 32

m: Metalflake green, black M base and interior, clear windshield, black, red, and yellow stripes with design on sides, trunk, and hood, “Hip Hop” on sides, fan5, (HW Jukebox)


n: Metalflake gold, as i, black stripes, os5, Mal. (Multi-pack)


n2: Metalflake dark gold, os5, Mal (Multi-pack)


Dark vs light gold comparison

2015: 146

o: White, black M base, and interior, tinted windows, black and yellow stripes on hood, trunk, and sides, fan5yw (Then and Now)

2015: 146

p: Orange, as o, black and white stripes, fan5, Mal (Then and Now)


q: Yellow, black base, dark red interior, tinted windshield, black and red stripes on hood, trunk, and sides, os5bk/rd-rim Mal. (Multi-pack)

2018: 009

r: Candy blue, black M base, orange interior, tinted windshield, orange and silver stripes on hood and sides, “Camaro” on sides, sp5or (Decades)


s: Metalflake purple, black M base, white interior, clear windshield, white and pink stripes on hood and trunk. flame on sides, sp5 (Throwback 10-pack)

Hot Wheels Page


External Link:

        HW Collectors Newsletter Camaro Convertible Concept

        South Texas Diecast HW Guide Camaro Convertible Concept