Hot Wheels Police Cruiser



Tomart's Price Guide to Hot Wheels; Completely Revised 6th Edition Vol. One 1968-1996


1996: 577 (143)

a: Black, black plastic M base, white doors, tan interior, smoke windows, gold & red "Auto City Police", black 7 spoke


1996: 577 (nl)

a?: Same as a, clear windows


1996: 16016 (143)

b: Black & white, black T base, black interior, clear windows, "Police 96", black 7 spoke (Limited Edition LAPHS x10,000)



c: Green with flames (Heat Fleet)


1996: 577 (143)

d: White, white plastic M base, black interior, blue windows, red & gold stripe with "Fire Dept Chief", 5 spoke


1998: 577 (143)

d2: Same as d, 3 spoke


1998: (143)

d3: Same as b, 5 hole (Fire Fighting 5 pack)


1998: 875 (143)

e: Black, black plastic M base, gray interior, tinted windows, white roof with "01", "State Police", 5 spoke


1998: 875 (143)

e2: Same as e, T base


1999: 1046 (143)

f: White, black plastic T base, black interior, blue windows, "Hot Wheels Police Force" & flag tampo, 3 spoke


1999: (143)

f2: Same as f, 5 spoke (City Police 5 pack)


1999: (nl)

f?: Same as f, 5 hole (City Police 5 pack)


2000: 207 (143)

g: Light blue pearl metallic, black plastic T base, gray interior, smoked windows, silver & black stripe with "Police", tri-blade


2001: 149 (143)

h: White, black plastic T base, black interior, clear windows, black & gold stripe with "Hot Wheels County Sheriff", 5 spoke


2001: (nl)

h2: Same as h, light orange windows (International)


2002: 227 (143)

i: Dark blue metallic, gray plastic T base, gray interior, clear windows, "Fire Chief No. 06", 3 spoke (Heat Fleet 5 pack)


2002: 56503 (143)

j: Light blue, white roof, chrome T base, black interior, clear windows, "Times Square New York's Finest", RR (TRU exclusive)


2002: 56503 (143)

k: Black, white roof, chrome T base, black interior, clear windows, "Times Square New York's Finest", RR (TRU exclusive)


2003: 163 (143)

L: Flat black, pewter plastic M base, black interior, clear windows, blue, white & gold "Hot Wheels Police" with flames, 10 spoke


2003: 163 (143)

L?: Same as L, less gold in tampos


2004: B3613 (143)

m: Black, black plastic C base, white interior, red windows, white, yellow & orange "Police", white 5 spoke front, gold 5 spoke rear (Smashville 5 pack)


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