hwcollectorsnews.com numbering |
1975: 7650
a: Red, chrome HK base, blue interior, blue windows, blue insert, yellow stripe and "Emergency Unit 50", red lines |
1975: 7650
a2: Same as a, gray windows |
Red, chrome base, dark gray interior, gray windows, yellow insert, "Rescue" (cold), "Sons of Danger" (warm), bw |
Light green, chrome base, gray windows, yellow insert, bw (AutoMagic II) |
1977: 7650
a3: Same as a2, basic wheels |
1982: 7650d
a4: Same as a3, M base |
a5: Made in France |
a6: Maitres de Universe, basic wheels (French) |
a?: Red, chrome base with chrome strip covering origin, black interior, gray windows, yellow insert, yellow stripe and "Emergency Unit", basic wheels (India LEO) |
1975: 7666
b: Green, chrome HK base, brown interior, gray windows, red insert, "U.S. Forest Service" in yellow, red lines |
1975: 7666
b2: Same as b, blue tint windows |
1985: 9529
d: Yellow, chrome M base, black interior, gray windows, red insert, "Race Rescue", basic wheels |
1986: 2537
e: Green, chrome M base, black interior, gray windows, yellow insert, "Forest Service", GoodYear wheels |
1986: 2537
e2: Same as e, basic wheels |
1988: 2537
f: Red, chrome M base with "US Patented, Foreign Pats Pend", black interior, gray windows, yellow insert, "Emergency Rescue Unit", basic wheels |
1988: 2537
f?: Same as f, without Pat info on base (thin black stripe) |
1988: 2537
f?: Same as f, wide black stripe |
f2: Same as f, 7 spoke (Emergency Squad 5 pack) |
1994: 2537
g: Yellow, dark chrome M base, black interior, gray windows, red insert, "Emergency Airship Support Team", "First Aid & Oxygen" in red print, basic wheels (Blimp & Support Team 5 pack) |
1994: 2537
g2: Same as g, "First Aid & Oxygen" in white print |
1994: 2537
g3: Same as g, "First Aid & Oxygen" in black print |
1995: 2537
h: Red, chrome M base, black interior, gray windows, yellow insert, "Baywatch Emergency" with "FISRT AID", 7 spoke (Baywatch 5 pack) |
1995: 2537 (nl)
h?: Same as h, black windows |
1995: 2537
h2: Same as h, "FIRST AID" |
i: / i2: Orange Splatter Paint |
1996: 425 (nl)
j: Same as j2, gray windows |
1996: 425
j?: Yellow, chrome M base, black windows, red insert, black "Fire Dept" on hood, red "Fire Dept" on doors, 5 spoke (Fire Squad Series) |
k: Yellow, chrome M base, black interior, gray windows, red insert, red stripe with "Paramedic Rescue Unit 3", 7 spoke (Rescue Squad 5 pack) |
k2: Same as k, 5 spoke |
k3: Same as k, directional |
k4: Same as k, 5 hole |
1998: 720
L: Black, chrome M base, yellow interior, yellow windows, yellow insert, red/yellow/white "Biohazard Removal Unit 3", 5 spoke (Biohazard Series) |
1998: 720
L2: Same as L, 5 hole |
m: Red, chrome M base, gray interior, blue windows, blue insert, white stripe with "Emergency Fire Dept. 51", 7 spoke (Fire Fighting 5 pack) |
m2: Same as m, 5 hole |
m3: Same as m, 5 spoke |
n: White, chrome T base, blue interior, blue windows, red insert, black "Bomb Squad", 5 spoke (City Police 5 pack) |
1999: 1048
n2: Same as n, 5 hole (single) |
n3: Same as n, 5 hole, C base |
1999: 1048
n4: Same as n, C base (single) |
1999: 1061
o: White, red plastic C base, red interior, red windows, red plastic insert, red stripe & "Fire Dept", 5 hole |
2000: 26273
p: Red, chrome T base, black interior, clear windows, red insert, "Los Angeles County Fire Dept Rescue Squad", rubber tires with red rims (Special Issue) |
2000: 218
q: Metallic silver, chrome C base, smoke interior, smoke windows, red insert, black "Bomb Squad", 3 spoke
2001: 193
r: Red, chrome C base, black interior, smoke window, yellow plastic insert, blue & white stripes with "EMS Paramedic", 5 dot |
2001: 193
r2: Same as r, T base |
s: White, chrome M base, clear yellow interior, yellow windows, yellow insert, firefighter badge on door, "Unit 7", 5 spoke (Heat Fleet 5 pack) |
t: Pearl white, matt silver C base, black interior, gray windows, red insert, red & black "86 Medic Rural Metro Rescue", red 10 spokes (Hot Haulers 5 pack) |
t2: Same as t, with red 5 spokes |
t3: Same as t2, plain white (note lack of red next to the center black hood tampo) (20 pack) |
2008: L9961
u: Metallic silver, gray plastic T base, gray interior, red insert, blue windows, "Rescue Emergency Unit 68", 5 spokes (Rescue Rods 5 pack) |
v: Flat tan, ”Bomb Squad’ (Military Rods #9) |
w: mf white, chrome base, black int. and windows, blue, red, and black City of Allen Police design, sp5bkrl, Th. (Cop Rods #18) |
x: Metalflake dark red, chrome T base and exposed engine, gold interior, clear seats and windows gold black and white design w/ ”Fire Dept.” on sides, sp5 (Fire Rods #26) |
2009: N4437
Yellow (red), unpainted T base, red windows, flames & "Medic", 5 spoke, (Color Shifters) |
2009: P2858
Yellow (red), unpainted T base, red windows, flames & "Rescue Ranger", 5 spoke (Color Shifters) |
2009: P7776
White (red), unpainted T base, red windows, stripe & "Paramedic Fire Dept", 5 spoke (Color Shifters) |
2010: T1481
y: Red, gray plastic T base, black interior, gray insert, smoke windows, "Backdraft" and flames, 5 spokes (Monster Jam Duo) |
2010: T1481
y2: Same as y, clear windows & gray interior |
2009: P2877
Dark green (dark grey), unpainted T base, red windows, "Rescue 14" and stripes, 5 spoke (Color Shifters 2 pk) |
2010: 115
z: Metalflake green, ”HW Electric” (HW City Works) |
2010: 115
aa: Pearl metalflake gold, "HW Electric" (HW City Works) |
2011: T8633
ab: Red plastic, unpainted T base, blue interior, amber windows, "HWFD Rescue Emergency Unit No. 68", gold 5 spokes (City Works 5 pack) |
(Color Shifters) |
(Color Shifters X-rays) |
ac: Red & blue, metal T base, black interior, clear windows, red, white, and blue Grateful Dead design on hood and sides, stlrr (Pop Culture – Grateful Dead) |
ad: black, metal T base, red int., red windows, red and yellow design w/ ”Emergency Search and Rescue” on sides, sp5rd (Rescue Racers 5-pack)
"© 1974 MADE IN THAILAND" base
ae: red, metal M base, chrome hoses, clear seats and windows, black and gold design “Los Angeles Fire Dept. Rescue Squad, 51” on sides, rrrd, (Entertainment) |
af: Orange plastic (Graffiti Rides 5 pack) |
2016: 216
ag: Light green, chrome M base, red interior, yellow windows, light blue/yellow/light green/red, design w/ ”First Aid”, “No. 822”, “Emergency Unit” on sides, sp5gn
"made in MALAYSIA" |
2016: 216
ah: Red, as ag, gold chrome M base, yellow interior, tinted windows, black/gold/yellow, design on sides, sp5rd
"made in MALAYSIA" |
ai: Red, white Indo base, gold interior, tinted windows, metallic green/gold/white design on top and sides, “18” on sides, white sp5gd (Winter #1)
"made in Indonesia" |
2019: 123
aj: Yellow, metal M base, blue interior, blue windows, blue/orange/white design on sides, “Emergency Unit” and “Paramedic Rescue”, mc5/rd-rim
"© 2014 made in Malaysia" base
ak: Red, as aj, black interior, clear windows, black/silver/white design, pr5/rd-rim, Mal. (Red Edition #123 Target exclusive)
"© 1974" base |
2019: (nl)
ak2: Same as ak
"© 2014" base |
2019: 123
al: Pearl white, black metal M base, black interior, blue windows, black/metallic blue/light green design, pr5/rd-rim
"© 2014 made in MALAYSIA" base
2019: 123 (nl)
al2: Same as al
"© 1974 made in Malaysia" base |
2021: 206
am: Yellow, metal M base, dark gray interior, blue windows, orange/ metallic blue/ black/ white hood and "Rescue", stripes, "Rescue" and "Ambulance" on sides, sp5or
"made in Malaysia" |
2021: 206 (nl)
am2: Same as am
"made in MALAYSIA" |