Hot Wheels Super Van (Paramedic / Khaki Kooler) & Super Van (Retool)


Tomart's Price Guide to Hot Wheels; Completely Revised 6th Edition Vol. One 1968-1996

1975: 7661 (43)

a: White, chrome HK base, black interior, gray windows, red & yellow "Paramedic Ambulance", red lines

1975: 7661 (43)

a2: Same as a, blue windows

1977: 7661 (43)

b: Yellow, chrome HK base, black interior, blue windows, red & white "Paramedic Ambulance", red lines

1977: 7661 (43)

b2: Same as b, metal base

1977: 7661 (43)

b3: Same as b2, basic wheels

1976: 9183 (46)

a: Olive drab, chrome HK base, black interior, gray windows, "Military Police", red lines

1976: 9183 (46)

a2: Same as a, metal base

1977: 9183 (46)

a3: Same as a2, basic wheels


HOT WHEELS Casting and Price Guide, 1st Edition 2008-2017, James Garbaczewski

2010: 182 (15)

x: Pearl white, chrome M base, "Ambulance" and orange stripes, 5 spoke

2014: 049 (15)

an: Metallic midnight blue, chrome "Malaysia" base, yellow stripes & "SWAT Unit 822", yellow & black MC5

2014: 049 (nl)

an?: Metallic midnight blue, chrome "MALAYSIA" base, yellow stripes & "SWAT Unit 822", yellow & black MC5

2015: 55 (15)

ap: Metalflake red, chrome M base, black interior, tinted windows, gold/white/silver design, "HW Fire Chief" and “No.1” on sides, pr5cp

2015: 55 (15)

aq: Metalflake white, chrome M base, black interior, red windows, black & red design, os5bk/rd-rim

Small Hot Wheels base logo

2015: 55 (15)

aq?: Sames as aq

Large Hot Wheels base logo

2015: 55

aq: Base comparison

2015: 55 (15)

ar: Zamac unpainted, M base, red windows, white/black/red design, pr5bk/ch-rim (Walmart Exclusive)

Small Hot Wheels base logo

2015: 55 (15)

ar?: Same as ar

Large Hot Wheels base logo

2015: 55

ar: Base comparison

Hot Wheels Page


External Links:

        HW Collectors Newsletter Super Van

        South Texas Diecast HW Guide Super Van

        South Texas Diecast HW Guide 70's Van / Super Van (retool)