MB52-B Police Launch    1976    (MB113)


MBUSA Newsletter numbering. Date of listing shown in parentheses.


White deck, blue E hull, light blue figures, dark blue windows, "Police" labels, horns cast


White deck, light blue E hull, light blue figures, dark blue windows, "Police" labels, horns cast


White deck, blue B hull (Manaus tab), light blue figures, dark blue windows, "Police" labels, horns cast


Brazilian issue with green deck


White deck, blue hull, light blue figures, dark blue windows, "Police" labels, hatch cast


White deck, blue E hull, light blue figures, opaque blue windows, "Police" labels, hatch cast


White deck, dark blue E hull, light blue figures, light blue windows, "Police" labels, hatch cast


White deck, dark blue E hull, light blue figures, opaque blue windows, "Police" labels, hatch cast


White deck, red E hull, orange-yellow figures, light blue windows, "L.A. Fire" labels, hatch cast (Code Red)


White deck, red E hull, light blue figures, light blue windows, "L.A. Fire" labels, hatch cast (Code Red)

MB52-B11 (08-90)

White deck, blue M hull, red figures & wheels, light blue windows, “123” & rope pattern, hatch cast (Live N Learn)

MB52-B12 (01-91)

White deck, blue T hull, red figures & wheels, light blue windows, “123” & rope pattern, hatch cast (Live N Learn)

MB52-B13 (11-92)

White deck, white C hull, white figures, light blue windows, no graphics (Graffic Traffic)

MB52-B14 (10-98)

White deck, blue w/ brown C hull, blue figures, clear windows, “Amity Police/ Jaws”, hatch roof casting (Star Car)

MB52-B15 (12-98)

Yellow deck, black C hull, red figures, clear windows, “Rescue B-1”, horns roof casting

MB52-B16 (01-99)

White deck, dark blue C hull, dark blue figures, blue windows, “Police” & orange stripes, horns roof casting (Adventure Pack)

MB52-B17 (04-99)

Same as 14 with batch number

MB52-B18 (09-99)

White deck, red batch number plastic C hull, blue figures, blue windows, “UT-35-091m” & stripes, horns roof casting

MB52-B19 (02-00)

Red body, white C batch number hull, florescent yellow figures, blue windows, blue band & “2416/134”, hatch roof casting (5 pack)

MB52-B20 (03-00)

Same as 19 without batch number

MB52-B23 (10-00)

Same as 18 without batch number

MB52-B24 (04-01)

White deck, red metal “Mattel” no batch number hull, blue figures, blue windows, “UT-35-091M” & stripes, hatch casting (Easter Egg 3 pack)

MB52-B26 (05-02)

Blue deck, white metal Mattel no batch # base, black figures, amber windows, "Mission H2O Metro Police", hatch roof casting, white wheels (Launcher)

MB52-B28 (10-03)

Silver-blue deck, white plastic Mattel NEW logo no batch # base, red figures, black windows, “Mission H2O Metro Police” tempa, hatch roof casting (Launcher)

MB52-B29 (11-03)

Same as 28 with batch number

MB52-B31 (10-06)

Orange deck, white plastic C no batch # base, blue figures, blue windows, “Mission H20 Metro Police”, hatch castings, black wheels (Coal Cars)

Matchbox Page


External Links

        bamca.org MB113

        Christian Falkensteiner Lesney Superfast 52-B 

        Christian Falkensteiner Matchbox International 113