MB59-M Cycle with Sidecar    2002    (MB547)


MBUSA Newsletter numbering. Date of listing shown in parentheses.

MB59-M1 (08-02)

Metallic blue, white C no batch # base, white front, black wheels, white seats, “Matchbox No. 420 Police"

MB59-M2 (08-02)

Same as 1 with 50th logo

MB59-M3 (01-03)

Red, blue & yellow front, blue C batch # base, black wheels, yellow seat, “Toy Fair Police/ Matchbox Hero City” (US Promo)

MB59-M4 (01-03)

Metallic blue, white & yellow front, white C batch # base, black wheels, yellow seat, “Rescue Heroes” (5 pack)

MB59-M5 (06-03)

Light green, blue & white front & base, white seat, black wheels, “Police 28” with Hero City logo


Same as 5 without logo

MB59-M6 (06-03)

Light green, blue front & base, white seat, black wheels, “Police 28” with Hero City logo

MB59-M7 (06-03)

Light green, blue front & base, white seat, black wheels, “Police 28”

MB59-M8 (06-03)

Yellow, yellow & blue front & base, blue seat, black wheels, Police 28” & stripes

MB59-M9 (06-03)

Same as 8 with Hero City logo

MB59-M10 (10-03)

Metallic maroon, white front, white C no batch # base, black wheels, white seat, “Matchbox Hero City”

MB59-M11 (12-03)

Metallic yellow, yellow front, yellow C no batch # base, black wheels, blue seat, “Police 28” (20 pack)

MB59-M12 (09-05)

Black, red front, red C no batch # base, black wheels, gray seats, “Police MBPD” & stripes (5 pack)

MB59-M13 (10-05)

Black, red front, red T no batch # base, black wheels, gray seats, “Police MBPD” & stripes (5 pack)

Matchbox Page


External Links

        bamca.org MB547