MB63-E Snorkel    1982    (MB111)


MBUSA Newsletter numbering. Date of listing shown in parentheses.


Pre-production, unspun rivets, gray boom

MB63-E1 (1981)

Red, gray base, unpainted E base insert, "Los Angeles", gray hose reel cast (Code Red)

MB63-E2 (1981)

Red, gray base, silver-gray E base insert, "Los Angeles", gray hose reel cast (Code Red)

MB63-E3 (1983)

Red, black base, gloss black M base insert, "Metro Fire", black hose real cast

MB63-E4 (1983)

Red, black M base, black metal base insert with hole, "Metro Fire"

MB63-E5 (1983)

Red, dark gray base, silver gray E base insert, "Los Angeles", gray hose reel cast

MB63-E6 (05-84)

Same as 4 with no hole in base insert


Same as 1 without windows

MB63-E8 (09-85)

Red, black M base, black plastic base insert, "Metro Fire"

MB63-E9 (1986)

Red, black C base, black plastic base insert, "Metro Fire"

MB63-E10 (03-87)

Dull red, black C base with “PAT APP”, black plastic base insert, "Fire Dept." & shield

MB63-E11 (06-88)

Red, black C base, black plastic base insert, Japanese lettering (Japanese)

MB63-E12 (09-90)

Same as 10 w/o “PAT APP” on base


Same as 12, made in Macau (white imprinted)

MB63-E13a (04-91)

Greenish-yellow, black C base, black plastic base insert, "Fire Dept." & shield, "PAT APP" (Action Pack)

MB63-E13b (04-91)

Same as 13a without "PAT APP"


Pre-production, metallic greenish-yellow with hand decaled shield

MB63-E14a (05-92)

Fluorescent orange, black C base, black plastic base insert, "Rescue Unit 1 Fire" & checkers, "PAT APP"

MB63-E14b (05-92)

Same as 14a without "PAT APP"

MB63-E15a (11-92)

White, white C base, white plastic base insert, no graphics, "PAT APP" (Graffic Traffic)

MB63-E15b (11-92)

Same as 15a without "PAT APP"

MB63-E16a (12-92)

Red, black C base, black plastic base insert, "Rescue Unit 1 Fire" & checkers, "PAT APP" (Gift Set)

MB63-E16b (12-92)

Same as 16a without "PAT APP"

MB63-E17a (02-93)

Fluorescent orange, black C base, black plastic base insert, "Rescue Unit 1 Fire," checkers & "IC" logo, "PAT APP"

MB63-E17b (02-93)

Same as 17a without "PAT APP"


Pre-production: Same as 17, but without raised printing on base

MB63-E18 (04-95)

Red, black C base, black plastic base insert, silver/gray boom, "12th Rescue Squad" & gold outline


Pre-production of 18 with “12th Rescue Battalion”

MB63-E19 (12-95)

Red, blue interior, black C base, black plastic insert, cast with body rear side panel, silver/gray boom, "12th Rescue Squad" with white outline (96 Recolor)

MB63-E20 (03-96)

White & red, black base, black plastic insert, cast with body rear side panel, silver/gray boom, "FD No. 1 Fire Dept.", blue interior (5 pack)

MB63-E21 (02-97)

White, black C base, black plastic insert, black rear side panel, gray boom, "Matchbox Fire Dept." & red stripes, black interior (5 pack)

MB63-E22 (03-97)

Dark purple, black C base, black plastic insert, cast with body rear side panel, gray boom, "Matchbox Fire Dept." & white stripes, black interior

MB63-E23 (04-97)

Metallic gold, black C base, black plastic insert, cast rear side panel, black boom, no graphics, black interior (Challenge)

MB63-E24 (04-97)

Red, black C base, black plastic insert, cast rear side panel, gray boom, "Richfield Co.", gray & black interior, chrome disc with rubber tire (Premiere)

MB63-E25 (03-98)

Red, black base, black plastic C base, black interior, cast rear side panel, gray boom, white “Matchbox Fire Dept.” (5 pack)

MB63-E26 (09-98)

Red, black C no batch # base, black plastic insert, black interior, cast rear side panel, silver boom, gold "Matchbox Fire Dept."

MB63-E27 (09-98)

Metallic red, black C base, black plastic base insert, gray & black interior, cast side panel, white boom, “Seaside Fire Co. /Snorkel Unit 2” (Premiere)

MB63-E28 (02-99)

Red, black C base, black plastic base insert, black interior, cast w/ body rear side panel, white boom, “Ridge, NY Fire & Rescue”, 5 arch

MB63-E29 (05-99)

Same as 28 with batch number

MB63-E30 (08-99)

Same as 25 with batch number

MB63-E31 (05-00)

Same as 26 with batch number

MB63-E32 (04-00)

Red & white, black C batch # base, black plastic insert, gold interior, cast rear side panel, black boom, “J.D.F.D. Fire Rescue 25” & Matchbox 2000 logo

MB63-E33 (04-00)

Same as 32 without logo


White, black C base, ASAP blank

MB63-E34 (07-00)

White, black C batch # base, black base insert, black interior, cast rear side panel, white boom, “Screamin’ Red Fire Engines” in red print (ASAP)

MB63-E35 (07-00)

Same as 34 with purple print

MB63-E36 (04-01)

Red, gray C batch # base, gray base insert, black interior, cast rear side panel, gray boom, “Metro Alarm / MA-ST1” (5 pack)

MB63-E37 (12-01)

Red, black C batch # base, black plastic base insert, black interior, cast rear side panel, black boom, “K-9 Patrol”, amber windows, 10 spoke flower (5 pack)

MB63-E38 (04-02)

Neon yellow, blue batch # base, black plastic C base insert, blue interior, cast rear side panel, white boom, “Metro Alarm” & checkers (ROW)

MB63-E39 (04-02)

Same as above with 50th logo

MB63-E40 (09-02)

White, white batch # base, black plastic C base insert, black interior, cast rear side panel, white boom, no tempa, blue windows, 10 spoke flower (ASAP blank)

McDonald's USA

McDonald's Canada

MB63-E41 (10-02)

Red, black C batch # base, black plastic C base insert, black interior, cast rear panel, gray boom, gold “Matchbox Fire Dept”, 5 spoke concave star wheels

MB63-E42 (11-02)

Bright blue, black C new logo batch # base, black plastic C base insert, brown interior, cast rear side panel, brown boom, “Blue Ridge 12 North Carolina” (MBAA)

MB63-E43 (02-03)

Neon yellow, blue C NEW logo batch # base, black plastic C base insert, blue interior, cast rear side panel, white boom, “Metro Alarm” & checkers, 10 spoke flower (20 pack)

MB63-E44 (02-04)

Metallic bronze, black C base, black no batch # base insert, black interior, black rear side panel, black boom, “Unit 4” & white stripe (Launcher)


White, light gray C base, light gray batch # insert, light gray interior, yellow boom, flower wheels, red & yellow city skyline w/ maltese cross

MB63-E45 (06-07)

White, black C base, black no batch # base insert, white interior, cast rear side panels, white boom, “Celena & Matt”, 5 arch (CCI)

MB63-E46 (03-17)

White body, black C base, black no batch # base insert, white interior, cast rear side panel, white boom, "Cromwell Fire Dept", 5 arch wheels (CCI)

McDonald's (03-17)

Baby blue, transluscent red windows, black base, lace wheels, black interior, blue boom, "Cromwell Fire Dept" (CCI)

MB63-E47 (05-19)

White, black C base, black no batch # base insert, white interior, cast rear side panel, white boom "RH2 Fire Stations" (left side only), 5 arch (ASAP)

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External Links

        bamca.org MB111

        bamca.org MD001

        Christian Falkensteiner Lesney Superfast 63-E 

        Christian Falkensteiner Matchbox International 111